7th Summer Peace Kids Camp opens in Kidapawan City

2,826 newly enrolled grade 6 pupils from different public schools in Kidapawan City joined together as they participate on 7th Gov. Lala Taliño-Mendoza Summer Kids Peace Camp in Kidapawan Pilot Elementary School today.

The 3 day activity is facilitated by Technical Working Group of the Provincial Government of Cotabato, the Provincial Human Resource Staffs and teachers from the Department of Education.

During the program, Governor Taliño-Mendoza called upon the students to take active part in peace keeping in North Cotabato.

"It is our humble desire to mold you as peace builders at your very young age, and we believe that in the future you would become responsible citizens and leaders", said the Governor as she welcomes participants on the opening day.

Officials and Personnel from Department of Education are also present during the program.