Requirements for PCSO IMAP - Hospital Assistance

IMAP stands for Individual Medical Assistance Program. The program is implemented by Philippine Charity Sweetstakes Office, to provide financial assistance for hospitalization and surgery, dialysis, chemotheraphy, prosthetics, implants, and other medical and health care related concerns.

You may ask the hospital personnel if PCSO has assigned help desk or sub office to their establishment.

Below are the requirements:

1. Request Letter of the patient or representative
     Address to   : Alexander F. Balutan
                           Vice Chairman and General Manager
                            PCSO Mandaluyong City

      Thru            : Name of the Assigned Department Manager of a PCSO Branch  

2. Original or certified true copy of clinical abstract / clinical summary duly signed by the attending doctor with printed name of the Attending Doctor, License Number, and PTR Number of the Attending Doctor.

3. Detailed Final Bill from the hospital signed by the Billing Clerk or Cashier of the hospital.

4. Endorsement letter from the social worker of the hospital.

5. Picture of the Patient (any size)

6. Valid government issued ID of the patient and representative who will process the request

7. Authorization letter from the patient

* if patient is unable to sign, a thumbmark is required on top of the patient's name and a clear picture showing the patient is unable to sign

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