Land conflict in Sitio Lacobe ends after 50 years of war

From left: PARO II DAR NCot Enr. Marion Abella, Board Members Dulia Sultan, Noel Baynosa, & Airene Claire Pagal, Makilala Mayor Rudy Caoagdan, DAR Secretary Virgilio Delos Reyes, North Cotabato Governor Emmylou "Lala" J. Taliño-Mendoza, and Vice Governor Gregorio T. Ipong

KIDAPAWAN CITY – After 50 years of never ending ownership debate in Sitio Lacobe, Barangay Malabuan, Makilala North Cotabato, the estimated 181.5489 hectares of land conflict finally comes to an end when two parties signed a peace covenant on January 31, 2013.

According to the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) – Cotabato Province, the land conflict started in the early 1970’s after armed men “Ilagas” swooped down the “Black Shirts”. Since then, war came back and forth, with different groups owning the land.

In 2011, series of dialogues and consultations are conducted from barangay, municipal and provincial government levels, identifying Datu “Toks” Baclid as the spokesperson for Baclid Clan. On the other hand, Jose Danny Llup represented the Christian group and farmer beneficiaries.

Final resolution and survey plan was presented to both parties in December 12, 2012. Personnel from DAR-Cotabato Province advised them to start cultivating the land to make it productive, followed by a proposal for “kanduli”. 
Cotabato Governor Emmylou “Lala” J. Taliño-Mendoza, who initiated the thanksgiving festivity, is thankful for the cooperation made both by two parties, emphasizing that amidst many issues of war and politics in North Cotabato, there would always be an end. “The peace and order situation and politics in Cotabato Province are some of our major issues that affect our economy, we always explain this to the personnel of Philippine National Police and Armed Forces of the Philippines that the root causes are land conflicts,” she said.

The governor also stressed out that the provincial government is determined to solve these issues and encourage the residents to help each other in taking care of their land.

DAR Secretary Virgilio Delos Reyes who is one of the witnesses of the peace agreement signing acknowledged the personnel from PNP and AFP who always help the government in maintaining peace and order situation in Mindanao.

Secretary Delos Reyes said, “We at DAR help DENR (Department of Environment and Natural Resources and NFA (National Food Authority) in solving this kind of conflicts.”

PARO II Abella displayed the proposed projects for Barangay Malabuan after the ceremonial signing which shows agricultural programs like Agrarian Production Credit Program for Corn, PAMANA Pillar 2, and Agri-business on rubber production, coffee production, cattle breeding, and agro-forestry.

Vice Governor Gregorio T. Ipong, Makilala Mayor Rudy S. Caoagdan and the local officials of Makilala and Barangay Malabuan, Board Members Dulia Sultan, Airene Claire Pagal, and Noel S. Baynosa, and Deputy Governor on Muslim Affairs Edris Gandalibo were also present during the feast.

The Sitio Lacobe land conflict comprises 26 landholdings and 98 farmer beneficiaries as recorded by DAR-Cotabato Province.

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