Makilala Southwest ARC launched in Makilala

The Makilala Southwest Agrarian Reform Community program covering 13,564 hectares in 12 barangays- Santa Felomina, Bato, Guangan, Cabilao, Luayon, Villaflores, Rodero, Malungon, Malabuan, Kawayanon, New Bagiuo, and Sto. Niño was launched  at the Makilala municipal hall last July 18, 2012.

The 12 barangays have a total population of 16,883 and 3,561 households with an average annual income of P37,536 per household considered to be at the poverty threshold. Given these data, the project development plan was drafted in order to raise the average income and improve the living condition in the said 12 communities as envisioned by the ARC program.

Among the development projects are fruit trees production, draft animal dispersal and establishment of an agri-enterprise project.  The need for health stations, potable water supply, bridges and post harvest facilities was also indicated in the development plan.

Makilala Mayor Rudy S. Caoagdan in his welcome address said that the efforts exerted in the preparation of the development and resettlement plans have come to a realization and resulted to this Makilala Southwest ARC.

He also thanked Governor Emmylou “Lala” Taliño-Mendoza for providing approximately Thirty (30) Million Pesos of funds for the construction of different infrastructure projects to various barangays in Makilala.
Meanwhile, Engr. Rodolfo Vinluan of the Municipal Agrarian Reform Office of Makilala said that in early 2007, they have conducted research work with the land management sector of the Dept. of the Environment and National Resources and assessed if the 12 barangays qualify for the ARC.

Governor Emmylou “Lala” J. Taliño-Mendoza said that without the cooperation of the provincial, municipal and the barangay officials, this project will not be implemented. She explained that the funding for Cotabato Province is also rated based on its performance.

“Modesty aside, Cotabato province is performing very well and I am happy to announce that next year, there will be an additional 130 Million for health because the Dep’t. of Health observed that the health centers they funded were utilized properly,” the governor said.

She also advised the new ARC beneficiaries to perform well so as to receive more projects in the future emphasizing that these (ARC) projects are being monitored.

In his response, Noel Ladaga, barangay chairman of Barangay New Bagiuo, one of the beneficiaries, expressed his gratitude to the local government unit of Makilala and the Provincial Government of Cotabato for the project their barangay is benefiting from. He is hopeful that through this ARC project, their community will help improve their economy in the future.

The Makilala Southwest ARC was approved last December 2011, the 33rd ARC project in Cotabato and the 4th in the Municipality of Makilala. sgjh

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