TUCP and PGCot handed support to schools and barangays in CotProv

In yet another show of support to the people of Cotabato, the Trade Union Congress of the Philippines (TUCP) has given another 2 covered courts through the Provincial Government of Cotabato. 

During the turn-over ceremony on September 20, 2012, the Governor Emmylou “Lala” J. Taliño-Mendoza gave a covered court to Aleosan Central Elementary School and Alamada Central Elementary School. 

Other projects distributed in Alamada were water system at barangay Polayagan, one unit multi-purpose building at barangay Mirasol, and the 520-meter road concreting project at barangay Dado. Overall, the distributed projects amounted to PhP13.1Million. 

Governor Taliño-Mendoza said she was very happy to visit the 5 recipient communities again and added that “we were able to accomplish the said projects because you inspire us to do our job properly.’’

According to the governor, the two covered courts are incentives to the teachers, parents, and students for showing their support leading to the success of the 2012 summer kid’s peace camp. The governor expects that more pupils will participate in the next peace camp in response to the government’s efforts to promote peace and development through a united tri-people of Cotabato referring to the deeper understanding of the various cultures of Lumads, Muslims or Christians developed among Grade V pupils during the peace camps.  

Alamada Mayor Bartolome B. Lataza expressed his warmest congratulations to the recipients of the projects and thanked the provincial government of Cotabato for the continued support to their municipality. “I consider today as one of the lucky days of Alamada, as on that same day, on top of receiving the 5 projects, the now famous Asik-asik falls located in Dado, Alamada was also formally opened to the public. 

The governor was joined by board members, police and military officials, and provincial, municipal and barangay officials as well as chiefs of office and staff during the said turn over program. sgjh

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