Pikit receives 31 Multicabs and 5 buildings from TUCP and CotProv

Thirty-one barangays in Pikit received one unit of multicab each from the Trade Union Congress of the Philippines. 

In a simple ceremony conducted at the Pikit Municipal Plaza last June 7, Cotabato Gov. Emmylou “Lala” Taliño-Mendoza turned-over the said multicabs.  She was joined by Pikit Mayor Sumulong Sultan and his wife, Board member Dulia D. Sultan, President of the  Association of Barangay Captains Federation -Cotabato Chapter).

The recipient barangays are Punol, Damalasak, Langayen, Tinutulan, Bulol, Balong, Bulod, Macabual, Talitay, Balungis, Balatican, Lagunde, Kabasalan, Gokotan, Paidu Pulangi, Barungis, Nunguan,Pamalian, Manaulanan, Nabundas, Buliok, Batulawan, Rajah Muda, Balabak, Bualan, Bagoinged, Kolambog, Katilacan, Gligli, Nalapaan, and Poblacion.

In her message, Governor Taliño-Mendoza said “these multicabs are not to be used in going to the beaches and or malls.” She stressed that the multi-cabs were given to the barangays to be used in emergency cases like transporting patients to the hospitals and for mobility during disasters like floods and for relief operations.
Speaking on behalf of TUCP Representative Raymond Democrito Mendoza, TUCP Regional Vice President Jessie Pagaran said that he hopes that the multicabs will serve their purpose for the people of Pikit.

Mayor Sultan, on the other hand, thanked the provincial government of Cotabato and the TUCP partylist for the support given to their municipality. He also urged the barangay chairmen to show more support in the goal of promoting good governance so that incentives like this will be given to them in the future.

More infrastructure projects turned over

On the same day in Pikit, Governor Taliño-Mendoza turned over 2 barangay health stations and three multi-purpose buildings to barangays Balungis, Nunguan, Balatican, Macabual and Talitay.

Talitay Barangay Chairman Sabil T. Mokamad expressed his gratitude to Governor Taliño-Mendoza for visiting their place adding that Governor Taliño-Mendoza is the first governor to provide help and support to their barangay. Mokamad also requested for the electrification of their community as an added favor from the governor.

In response to Mokamad’s request, the governor said she will not promise but will find a way to initiate the electrification project in their barangay. This was the same assurance the governor gave to other “no-electricity-barangays” she already visited.

Also present during the turn over ceremonies were Vice Governor Gregorio T. Ipong, Board Members Cristobal Cadungon,  Celestino R. Rapacon, Noel S. Baynosa, Eliseo D. Garcesa, and Onofre L. Respicio.sgjh

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